My time with CivITas

May 08, 2024

By Adam Lynott

I began working for CivITas coming up on a year in April, and I can confidently say it has been the most enriching and fulfilling experience of my professional life. When I first met Chris Tuzeneu and Anne Benigsen, the dynamic leaders of CivITas, I noted they both have the rare combination of extensive knowledge of information security and the ability to communicate complex concepts in a way that anyone, even a layman like me, could easily understand. From the beginning, they encouraged a collaborative and inclusive learning environment. They welcome questions and have patiently guided me through the intricacies of information security, never once making me feel like a question didn’t need to be asked.

The emphasis on hands-on learning at CivITas is unparalleled. Every week, I have a standing meeting with Chris where he delves into some aspect of what we do for clients, how we do it, and what is expected of us. Anne sits down with me at least once a week, helping with anything I’m stuck on, and assigning projects that help both my learning journey and one of our clients.

In my nine months at CivITas, I have been exposed to a diverse range of responsibilities that have sharpened my skills and broadened my understanding of information security. Some of which include compiling and distributing monthly reports to clients, presenting monthly information security briefs for clients at their board meeting, and working with customers on problems ranging from needing access to their files in OneDrive, to onsite visits.

One of the critical aspects of our service is the proactive approach to cybersecurity. Initiatives such as monthly and annual phishing campaigns—accompanied by digestible reports and tailored training modules—underscore CivITas’ dedication to not only identifying risks but also empowering clients to recognize and mitigate potential threats. Participating in penetration tests both with Chris as the lead and on my own—then discovering and reporting the vulnerability findings—has helped our clients pinpoint weaknesses in their networks

Conducting network scans to identify anomalies, managing weekly updates and patches for clients’ machines, and handling email quarantines are also among my essential responsibilities. However, this is only a sliver of what CivITas does. In addition, my involvement in capturing the minutes of client IT steering meetings as well as the minutes of the monthly Bankers’ Bank of the West board meetings all reflect the level of trust and responsibility that Anne has given me.

What makes CivITas truly exceptional is not just the team’s collective technical knowledge, but the universal understanding of the information security landscape. Chris and Anne have been mentors to me; what’s more, they have also demonstrated the same level of compassion and expertise in their interactions with clients. This client-centric approach is at the core of CivITas’ ethos, creating a symbiotic relationship where team members and clients alike thrive in an environment of shared learning and growth.

To sum it up, my experience at CivITas has been a real game-changer in my career. The team’s dedication to learning and sharing knowledge—along with their strong focus on customers—has only deepened my understanding of information security. Reflecting on these short nine months, I don’t see myself solely as an employee of CivITas, but as a crucial part of a community that prioritizes ongoing education and making a positive impact in the information security of community banking.

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